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About Craft Brewery Solutions


There are basically three types of beer people in this world: Those who make great beer, those who love great beer, and those who are content to drink the fizzwater of mega breweries. I think we can all agree those in the latter category have no clue whatsoever.

As for us, we fall squarely in the middle. We're just people who love the creativity and care that goes into making great beer – and we especially love trying new creations from artisan brewers like you. We're also a problem solvers. Which is why we started Craft Brewery Solutions.

Having friends in the craft brewery business, we became aware of a dilemma often faced by craft breweries – the need to limp along for weeks when something breaks down and a replacement is about two forevers away and three sets of zeros beyond the budget.

While many breweries help each other out with loaner parts in times of crisis, calling in favors is awkward and time-consuming. It seemed as though what was needed was a bulletin board with spare parts on hand postings. That’s the whole idea behind the Craft Brewery Solutions Exchange. Except we’ve taken the tried and true community bulletin board to a national level via the internet.

Craft brewers like you are not just continuing a long and proud American tradition of craft brewing, they’re taking it to all new levels. There’s something more going on, though. There’s a sense of camaraderie among craft brewers that bucks the “win at all cost” ethics of American business and flips a middle finger at everything the mega brewers represent.

Frankly, We would be honored to be a part of that.

Darin and Shannon Bertsch
Craft Brewery Solutions

Craft Brewery dark ale, beer pouring spigots, and golden light brew