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Bright Beer Tanks

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Now Here's a Truly BRIGHT Idea

Bright Beer Tank

A fresh brew needs to be filtered, chilled, carbonated, and aged. A bright beer tank is a great way to do this. Hopefully all of yours are operating at top efficiency but if not you can get the spare parts you need right now from the exchange network at Craft Brewery Solutions.

As we all know, freshly brewed beer is ran through beer filters to remove any remaining yeast and large proteins. We call it bright beer because it’s not hazy or cloudy. “Not hazy or cloudy” is a perfect description of what happens on our exchange. There are no dark secrets (there is dark beer though). The process for getting the right spare parts is clear and simple.

Check us out. You already check your glycol heat transfer calculations to be sure glycol jackets are properly sized or whether your beer is kept as cold as it should be. So check out Craft Brewery Solutions. In fact, just consider yourself as bright beer. We at Craft Brewery Solutions want you to steadily improve!

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